Friday, August 1, 2008

New York Trip

So Mia made her second trip to NY a few weeks ago, yes I am very behind in blogging, is anyone surprised? LOL We went up for Heather and Patrick's wedding (Heather is my cousin and Heather and Pat are Mia's Godparents). We ALL went, even the dogs, since Heather and Pat are their babysitters if we go out of town, so this means we had to drive! Yikes, I know, we must be crazy!! It really was not that bad, Nick and I have always loved 'road trips' but we were worried about Mia and the dogs, well, they did great! Mia was perfect she did better than I did! I whined and just wanted to get there, she just took it all in stride. She probably slept I would say about 85% of the drive there and back and when awake she would just play or eat. James, Joanne, Josh and Nadia flew in for the first few days, which was a lot of fun! Nick took them to Niagara Falls and they enjoyed seeing our 'small town' and drinking Scott's homemade brew (He is this years #1 home beer brewer for NY State!! Very Exciting)
While in NY we did not get to do as much as we planned or see all the friends we would have liked to because the first few days we were there Mia was sick with a ear infection and the moment she bounced back I got some sort of stomach virus and was sick for the second half of the visit! But other than that, the wedding was perfect! So beautiful! Nick and I were in it so Mia hung with her Grandma and Grandpa and she had a great time, she really shook her groove thing at the reception, she LOVED dancing, it was so cute! Not to mention she looked pretty darn cute too! We had a tutu outfit made for her to match the wedding party, we ordered it from Fuzzy Me Tutu's and they were awesome, the owner was so great to work with and I will FOR SURE order more stuff from them and I would HIGHLY recommend them to any of you out there with little girls! Check out their adorable Halloween sets that they are selling right now!!

Even though a lot of the two weeks were sick days, we still squeezed in a lot of fun! We had a picnic at Aunt Sheila's for the 4th of July. We also spent an evening at 'Camp Caldwell' at Roger and Tina's house where we played games, rode the 4 wheeler (which Mia LOVED! she said weeeeee weeeeee the WHOLE time!) and had a camp fire complete with S'mores!!

We really enjoyed all the family time and we miss everybody already! Here are some pictures from the trip!

Do these dogs know how to travel or what? :)

Grandma was so happy to see her Mia!

Corn is Mia's favorite so you know she was
enjoying that good fresh sweet corn on the cob!
(that you don't get in Texas!)

One of our trips to the Ice Cream Shop, after
Uncle Wes's softball game.

We discovered that Mia LOVES these shopping
cart 'cars' Good luck getting her out though!

Mia was picking all of Grandma's flowers
off of the front porch so we put one in her
hair, she is ready for Hawaii!

Here are some pictures of the 4th of July:

Mia had so much fun with her shopping cart buddy Olivia!
she is my cousin Donnie and his wife Tammy's little girl.

Mia with my cousin Janessa's little Veronica, they
LOVE each other so much!

With the Bride to be!

Having fun with Grandpa Scott on the 4th!

July 5th 2008 the wedding of Heather and Patrick Burchard!!

Mommy and Daddy all dolled up!

My little brother Wesley

Joanne caught the bouquet, that means she is
next, ahem....James! LOL

Congratulations to the bride and groom!

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