Saturday, March 15, 2008

Let's Rodeo!

On Thursday we took Mia to the Houston Rodeo for the first time. She really loved seeing all of the animals! We did not take her to the rodeo/show since that would have been WAY past her bedtime! I am sure she did not mind missing it! We had a lot of fun and at a TON of food. Mia ate some skillet potatoes and a little BBQ, she really liked it! Here are a few snapshots of the day.

riding the tram to the front gates:

in front of Reliant Stadium:

Mia excited to start her day at the Rodeo:

"You were right mommy, this Rodeo food is GREAT!":

Grandma buying Mia and Veronica (my cousin Janessa's little cutie pie!) some souvenir's:
they would not take their eyes of Elsie for a picture, I don't think they trusted her! LOL:
gotta get one of Daddy, since he is usually behind the camera:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mia and Veronica are so adorable. I wish I could have come with Hollie. Oh well, I'll see you guys in July anyway.