Monday, May 12, 2008

A Memorable Mother's Day

First of all, Happy Mother's Day (a day late) to all the Mother's reading this! I hope you all had a wonderful day! We spent our day BBQ'ing at Nick's Parents house, and that is where I received one of my best gifts of all, seeing Mia take her first steps! It was so exciting. I was so afraid I would miss this special moment and that it would happen in day care, but no, it happened on Mother's day and lucky camera was right next to me!! YAY, yes, I caught it on camera! At first I was so in shock of what I saw that I froze and Nick calmly said (so that it would not startle her and make her stop) "GET THE CAMERA!!!!" and I jerked out of my frozen state and snapped the best I could! LOL It was a great mother's day gift! Here are the pics, and some of the day too.

Mia's 1st steps!

Playing with Grandpa Frank

Hanging out with Cousins

Sitting pretty

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